Tivoli Audio Music System Two+
Music system Two+ Świat staje się cyfrowy i Tivoli Audio zapewnia uczestnictwo z Music System Two +.
Z wszystkich cech masz "wszystko w jednym" Muzyka zmodernizowana i przyszłości urządzenia zabezpieczona Bezprzewodowa technologia Bluetooth i cyfrowy odbiór (DAB / DAB + / DMB ,FM). Możesz korzystać ze wszystkich nowo poznanych cyfrowych stacji radiowych i bezprzewodowo odtwarzać muzykę z każdego urządzenia z Bluetooth w przyjazny dla użytkownika i łatwy sposób. Biorąc pod uwagę zbliżającą się rewolucję cyfrową usuneliśmy odtwarzacz CD. Music System Two + zrobiony dla Ciebie. oddzielne wzmacniacze systemu, muzyki, specjalnie wyprodukowane elementy głośników DAB / DAB + / DMB Technologia bezprzewodowa / FM RDS / Bluetooth
Odtwarzać muzykę bezprzewodowo poprzez system muzyczny
Minimalny zasięg 9 stóp
Wykorzystuje bezprzewodową technologię Bluetooth A2DP
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) zapewnia minimalny poziom hałasu i zakłóceń pracy innych urządzeń bezprzewodowych
Bluetooth w wersji 2.1 + EDR
Wiele funkcji, łatwych w użyciu
Podwójny niezależny alarm funkcją drzemki
Wyświetlacz z regulacją jasności
Zegar cyfrowy, który reguluje prawidłowy czas automatycznie i zabezpieczone baterii z powrotem
Opcjonalnie 50kHz / 100kHz Krok strojenia FM
Zintegrowany w dół subwoofer aktywny
Aux-In oraz wyjście słuchawkowe stereo zamontowane z przodu
Premium dźwięk Hi-Fi stereo z dobrym basem
Obudowa drewniana ręcznie wykonane jak mebel jest ozdobą każdego pomieszczenia i otaczający dźwięk
W zestawie funkcjonalny pilot zdalnego sterowania antena
Kolumny głośnikowe,głośniki, System Fidelity SF-5050, j. nowe
Kolumny System Fidelity SF-5050
stan bardzo dobry (minimalne ślady użytkowania)
głośniki jak nowe
pełen komplet:
podstawki pod kolce
oryginalne opakowanie
Kolumny bardzo dobrej klasy, naturalna okleina
przykładowe oceny z zagranicznej prasy:
test review in HI-FI World (UK, 06/2008):
On audition the SF-5050s turn in a very well balanced performance across the board. Detail retrieval from the ceramic tweeter was excellent and the top end is crisp and lively. Across the mid the SF-5050s offered fine levels of presence and atmosphere, setting up a decently capacious soundstage that stretches above and around them well. The loudspeakers were able to immerse me in the music and they set up a believably three-dimensional performance.
SF-5050 & SF-5010 test review in Hi Fi & Musik Magazine (SWE, 03/2008):
These are two very well-built and nice loudspeakers you should not miss. The small SF-5010 win ones heart by deliverying amusing hifi where the focus is more on the design and build quality that pure audiophile sound.
But it's the SF-5050 which sounds with real weight and authority and with overall superior sound, harmonious and airy.
But after all, both loudspeakers are very praiseworthy and warmly recommended even if the SF-5050 receive an extra plus in the margin.
Quotes from SF-5050 test review in HIGH Fidelity Magazine (SWE, 07/2007):
Lets first make it clear: you get incredibly much hardware and finish for your 8.000 kr. if you invest in a pair of System Fidelity SF-5050!
Its sound abilities are also high value. SF-5050 is a relatively slim sounding speaker. The treble is wide stretched and airy the midrange is neutral, but unforgivable it reproduces what it gets not more, not less.
The bass is the point which may divide people a little. It is slim but precise and very dynamic. It pays off to test with your own equipment where they should finally be placed. We preferred it together with equipment that has a little extra punch in the bottom. With other words: the bass is more for audio purists than for bass addicts who prefer quantity over quality.
In one word a beautiful and well sounding speaker for relatively small money.
Quotes from the SF-5050 review in HI-FI CHOICE magazine (CRO, 07/2007):
The top model of the new speaker brand has a lot to show. For a fair price.
...SF-5050 sounds truly warm and relaxing, but also very airy and open, never even approaching the zone of sharpness or clinical analytics. That is probably thanks to the tweeter performance, which reproduces the tones on the very edge of the tonal spectrum easily and without any problems, a reproduction caused problems to almost all other loudspeakers we have listened to in this price range! The vocals on SF-5050 were sounding very sensual, articulated and only with very low amount of sibilants.
...The speakers kept the very similar tonality also in the mid and low range, and both were firmly and invisibly connected to the rest of the frequency range. The warmth in sound was expressed here even more than in the high spectrum, especially in the bass area. The voices sounded rich, with just as much details as it is necessary. The lowest part of the frequency spectrum sounds really very deep, although they cannot reach the very bottom. The bass was full bodied and very firm and tight.
...Correctly positioned, the 5050s will easily virtually disappear from the room, and will leave beautiful and accurately painted sound stage with exactly transferred instrumental positions in front of the listener.
Verdict: 90 % - Best Buy
odbiór osobisty = możliwość odsłuchu
ale mogę też wysłać w 2 paczkach (oryginalne kartony)
cena nowych to ok 800EUR
cena używanych to ok 350-400EUR
SmartWatch Phone APLUS GV18 (nowa wersja)
Oferuje SmartWatch APLUS GV 18 (nowa wersja softu, bez śróbki w klapce oraz większa poj. baterii) posiada slot na kartę sim , możne służyć jako niezależny telefon , jednocześnie poprzez bluetooth można połączyć (sparować) go ze smartfonem, bardzo wygodne podczas np. prowadzenia samochodu można rozmawiać nie odrywając rąk od kierownicy.
Jest niemal wierną kopią zegarka Gear 2 od Samsunga (bądź ładniej to ujmując replika)
Wszystko wyświetlane jest na 1,56-calowym ekranie TFT, który dysponuje rozdzielczością 240 na 240 pikseli. Co ciekawe jest też wbudowany aparat, który jest w stanie zrobić zdjęcie w maksymalnej rozdzielczości VGA i nagrać film. GV18 dysponuje pełną funkcjonalnością znaną z innych, nazwijmy je markowych smartwatchy. Jest dialer z dostępem do kontaktów, kalendarz i skrzynka z wiadomościami, kalkulator, budzik, krokomierz, a także odtwarzacz muzyki. Nie zapomniano też o monitorze aktywności fizycznej, dyktafonie, zdalnym wywoływaniu aparatu czy przydatnej funkcji, która pozwala nam odnaleźć smartfon, gdy go gdzieś zawieruszymy.
Slot na kartę MicroSim, może służyć jako osobny telefon komórkowy
Slot na kartę MicroSD do 32 GB, zapisywanie danych
Wbudowana kamera 2.0 Mpix, wykonywanie zdjęć
Odbieranie, odrzucanie i wykonywanie połączeń
Wyświetlanie numeru lub nazwy połączeń przychodzących
Dźwięk, kiedy przychodzi połączenie głosowe
Alarm chroniący przed zgubieniem kiedy telefon straci połączenie z zegarkiem na odległość ponad 10 m automatycznie włączy się alarm
Wbudowany mikrofon oraz głośnik funkcja rozmowy głośnomówiącej
Synchronizacja kontaktów, historii połączeń
Odtwarzanie i kontrolowanie muzyki z telefonu przez zegarek
Kompatybilność z systemami Android oraz iOS
Powiadomienie dźwiękowe z aplikacji Facebook, Twitter, Skype (tylko system Android)
Wykonywanie zdjęć telefonem, ustaw aparat w telefonie i zegarkiem i zrób zdjęcie
Języki: angielski, włoski, niemiecki, holenderski, hiszpański, francuski, POLSKI, turecki, portugalski, rosyjski
Zapraszam do odbioru osobistego wtedy można się zapoznać z wszystkimi funkcjami.
Oczywiście mogę wysłać paczuszkę za pobraniem po zaksięgowaniu kwoty 17 zł na moim koncie.
Po nadaniu udostępniam numer przesyłki w celu śledzenia.
Sam używam takowego.
Aktualnie 1 w kolorze srebrno-czarnym.
Nie zawsze mogę odbierać telefon , proszę napisać wiadomość oddzwonię lub odpiszę.
Oferta dla ludzi poważnych!!
Jeżeli ktoś uważa że za drogo proszę szukać dalej, a nie zasypywać mnie pytaniami czy za 140 zł wyślę. Odpowiadam wszystkim zainteresowanym NIE za 140 zł NIE wyślę za 150 również nie wyślę jeśli ktoś nie zapłaci za przesyłkę dlatego zapraszam do odbioru osobistego.
Aplus watch GV18 Bluetooth Smart watch phone 1.54 inch GSM NFC Camera wrist Watch SIM card Smartwatch.
Main Features: :
Aplus Watch: First support NFC. a Watch phone with Adapt automatically and data sync. Make phone call directly from the smart watch, including answering and dial-up.
Call function: GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 four frequency call; Dial, hands-free, phone records, phone book; Bluetooth headset;
IPS 1.54" High sensitive capacitive Touch screen TFT HD LCD; Resolution ratio:240*240 pixel. perfect match technology
The lost function:Seek mobile phone,Two-way anti lost;
Languae: English, French, Espanol, polski, Italiano, Portuguese, Deutsch, Dutch, Turkey, Russian
Sport health:Compass/pedometer/Sedentary remind/sleep monitoring; MP3/MP4/Camera/compass
Take photos by Aplus smart watch or use smart watch control the phone and take photos
Water Resistance only: can not put it in water, such as swimming.
MS Bluetooth Sync push,Bluetooth music player,anti lost,Pedometer,Sleep monitoring,Remote Camera,Compass
Function parameters
Call function: GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 four frequency call;
Dial, hands-free, phone records, phone book; Bluetooth headset;
Message: local SMS; SMS Bluetooth synchronization push;
Entertainment: MP3, MP4, AVI format for local playback; Bluetooth music player;
Reminder: the bell and vibrating alert;
The clock display: 3 set
Prestiżowy lokal na Emilii Plater 10 BEZPOSREDNIO
Apartament Emilii Plater 10
For English version, please scroll down. More pictures available on request.
Więcej zdjęć dostępnych na zapytanie.
Oferujemy na sprzedaż przestronny, nowoczesny apartament wykończony w 2012 roku w wysokim standardzie. Luksusowy lokal położony jest na piątym piętrze prestiżowego apartamentowca oddanego do użytku w grudniu 2009 roku, zlokalizowanego w ścisłym centrum Warszawy na jednej z głównych ulic Śródmieścia Południowego - ul. Emilii Plater. Śródmieście Południowe stało się w ostatnich latach synonimem tętniącego całą dobę serca Warszawy.
Apartament ma powierzchnię prawie 120 m2 i składa się z:
- obszernego (~60 m2), przeszklonego salonu z aneksem kuchenno-jadalnym i dużą wyspą kuchenną, z którego rozpościera się zapierający dech w piersiach widok na centralną biznesową dzielnicę Warszawy i Pałac Kultury i Nauki,
- przestronnej (~40 m2), cichej sypialni z wydzieloną częścią biurową i pełnowymiarową 4-osobową wanną z jacuzzi zapewniającą niedostępny na codzień relaks przed snem,
- pojemnej (~10 m2) garderoby z dużą ilością półek, szuflad i relingów,
- dużej (~10 m2) i wygodnie wykończonej w kamieniu łazienki z prysznicem z niespotykanej wielkości deszczownicą,
balkonów (galerii) o łącznej powierzchni prawie 9 m2.
Drewniane, wysokie na całą wysokość ściany okna apartamentu wychodzą w części salonowej na teren zielony, a w części sypialnianej na wewnętrzne patio, przez co do apartamentu nie dochodzą żadne odgłosy ulicy.
Apartament jest w pełni klimatyzowany wydajnym (10 kW) sprzętem LG wysokiej jakości (3 jednostki wewnętrzne) i jest wyposażony w rozbudowany system domu inteligentnego Fibaro pozwalający na zdalny dostęp do większości funkcji apartamentu (oświetlenie, ogrzewanie, rolety) i możliwość dowolnego ustawiania scen (np. automatyczne włączanie światła wieczorem po wejściu do lokalu).
Nieruchomość jest sprzedawana w stanie w pełni i z dbałością wykończonym sprzętem RTV/AGD, meblami, oświetleniem i akcesoriami luksusowych znanych marek (np. okap - Falmec, oświetlenie - Foscarini, armatura - Hansa, meble - BoConcept, elektryka - Bticino, Kueppersbusch, Siemens, Samsung).
Wykonana na indywidualne zamówienie kuchnia składa się z wielu pojemnych szafek i szuflad z osprzętem Blum-Servo drive i PEKA, z wbudowanymi piekarnikiem/mikrofalą, piekarnikiem parowym i ekspresem do kawy marki Siemens. Wyspa pokryta jest odpornym na zabrudzenia kwarcytem i wyposażona została w płytę indukcyjną Kueppersbusch z wyjątkowym rozwiązaniem - wgłębieniem na patelnię wok pozwalającym na przygotowanie smacznych potraw w stylu stir-fry.
Przestrzeń salonowa pokryta jest w całości ciemną, olejowaną, modrzewiową podłogą, która dzięki głębokiemu szczotkowaniu i wkomponowanym kamieniom nadaje salonowi indywidualny, nowoczesny charakter. Lekkie sofy wykonane z jasnej cielęcej skóry i ścianą pokryta kwarcytem dopełniają wyjątkowego obrazu salonu.
Strefa komfortu w sypialni zapewniona dzięki starannie dobranej kolorystyce, nastrojowemu oświetleniu i niespotykanemu połączeniu funkcji sypialnej z funkcją kąpielową pozwolą właścicielowi odprężyć się po ciężkim dniu pracy. Dla miłośników muzyki idealnym dopełnieniem obrazu będzie elektroniczne pianino marki Yamaha.
Dzięki 7-metrowej szerokości szafie zajmującej całą ścianę sypialni w mieszkaniu można zawsze utrzymać porządek niezależnie od liczby przechowywanych w nim rzeczy.
Kropką nad i jest rozmieszczona w całym mieszkaniu wyjątkowa sztuka.
W apartamentowcu zlokalizowane są dwa miejsca postojowe dla aut osobowych do zakupu razem z apartamentem.
Niniejsze ogłoszenie nie jest ofertą w rozumieniu art. 66 KC.
We are offering for sale a spacious, modern apartment finished to a high standard in 2012. The luxurious apartment is located on the fifth floor of a prestigious apartment building put into use in December 2009, located in the very center of Warsaw, on one of the main streets of Śródmieście Poudniowe - Emilii Plater street. Śródmieście Południowe has become in recent years a synonym for the vibrant heart of Warsaw.
The apartment has an area of almost 120 sqm and consists of:
- a large (~ 60 sqm) living room with a kitchen-dining annex and a large kitchen island. It offers a breathtaking view of the central business district of Warsaw and the Palace of Culture and Science,
- a spacious (~ 40 sqm), quiet bedroom with a separate office space and a full-blown 4-person jacuzzi ensuring unique bedtime relaxation for the owner,
- a capacious (~ 10 sqm) wardrobe with plenty of shelves, drawers and rails.
- a large (~ 10 sqm) bathroom, comfortably finished in stone, with a head shower of an unprecedented size,
- a balcony (gallery) with a total area of nearly 9 sqm.
Wooden, floor-to-ceiling tall windows overlook a green area in the living room and an inner patio in the bedroom, so street noise does not reach the apartment from any direction.
The apartment is fully air-conditioned with a high-performance and quality (10 kW) LG equipment (3 indoor units), and comes with an extensive smart home Fibaro system allowing the owner to remotely access most of the apartment's features (lighting, heating, blinds), as well as to freely set automatic scenes (e.g. automatic switching of lights in the evening after entering the apartment).
The property is sold in a fully finished state with all necessary electronic appliances, furniture, lighting and accessories of luxury brands (e.g. kitchen ventilation hood - Falmec, lighting - Foscarini, fittings - Hansa, furniture - BoConcept, electric appliances – Bticino, Kueppersbusch, Siemens, Samsung).
Custom made kitchen consists of a number of spacious cabinets and drawers with inner accessories by Blum Servo-drive and PEKA, a built-in oven / microwave, a steam oven and a coffee maker (all Siemens). The kitchen island is covered with stain-resistant quartzite and is equipped with an induction hob (Kueppersbusch) with a unique solution – a place for an induction wok allowing for the preparation of tasty stir-fry style dishes.
Spacious living room has dark, oiled, larch flooring which, thanks to deep brushing and installed stone elements, gives it an individual, modern character. Light calf leather sofas and a wall covered with beige quartzite complete the unique image of the living room.
Comfort zone in the bedroom is ensured by carefully chosen colors, lighting and an unparalleled combination of sleeping and bathing functions which will allow the owner to relax after a hard day's work. For music lovers there is also an electronic Yamaha piano beside the bed.
With a 7-meter-wide wall of cabinets taking up the entire back of the bedroom, the owner will always be able to mainain order in the apartment, regardless of the number of stored things.
The perfect icing on the cake is unique art distributed throught the entire apartment.
In the same apartment building there are two parking places for cars to purchase together with the apartment.
This announcement is not an offer within the meaning of art. 66 of the Polish Civil Code.
Gry PS2 SklepTychy Gra playstation 2
Oferujemy sprzedaż gier używanych na konsolę Playstation 2 !!
Gry w 3 przedziałach cenowych: 20/25/29 zł za sztukę.
Mozliwosc wysylki:
1 sztuka 7,99 zl - poczta polska
do 30 sztuk 18 zl - kurier gls
Ponad 100 tytułów do wyboru:
50 cent bulletproof /2
America's 10 most wanted
Black and bruised
Bratz rock angelz /2
Brian lara international cicket 2005 /2
Britbey's dance beat /2
Brothers in arms road to hill 30/2
Burnout dominator /2
Burnout revenge
Championship manager 2007
Charlie's angels
Crash of the titans
Crescent suzuki racing
Cricket 2002
Cricket 2004 /2
Cue academy- snooker pool billiards
D-unit drift racing
Dance uk
Dance uk xl lite
Dance uk xl party
Dancing stage fusion
Dancing stage mega mix
Devil may cry
Dynasty warriors 2
Eg endgame /2
Eye toy groove
Eye toy kinectic
Eye toy play
F1 2002
Fame academy dance edition /2
Famil guy video game
Fifa 06
Fifa 2001
Fifa 2010
Fifa football 2003
Fifa football 2003
Fifa football 2004 /2
Fifa football 2005
Fifa street
Fifa street 2 /3
Fight night round 3
Final fantasy x /2
Final fantasy xii
God of war iii
Golden eye rogue agent
Guitar hero iii legends of rock
Hawk kawasaki racing
High school mussical sing it
International snooker championship
Jak 3 /2
James cameron dark angel
Kelly slater's pro surfer
Lake masters ex
Lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events /2
Lma manager 2004
Lma manager 2005
Madden 2002
Marc ecko's getting up contents under pressure
Matrix path of neo
Medal of honor european assault
Medal of honor frontline
Metal arms glitch in the system
Metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty
Mortal kombat eleadly alliance
Mr. golf
Mtv music generation /2
My street
Nba 2k12
Nba live 2005 /2
Nhl 2007
Pirates of the caribbean the legend o jack sparrow
Pop idol
Prince of persia the sands of time /3
Prince of persia the two trones /2
Prince of persia warior within
Prisoner of war
Pro evolution soccer 2
Pro evolution soccer 3
Pro evolution soccer management
Red dead revolver
Red faction 2
Robot warlords
Rugby 2005
Rugby 2006
Rugby league 2
Sensible soccer 2006
Shark tale
Shrek 2
Silent hill 2
Silent scope
Socom 2 u.s. Navy seals
Spider-man 3
Spyro a heero's tail
Star wars starfighter
Summoner 2
Super monkey ball
Test drive
The antbully
The golden compass
The great british football quiz
The lord of the rings, the two towers
The simpsons hit and run /3
The simpsons road rage
The sims 2
The sims 2 pets /2
The sims bustion'out
The spiderwick chronicles
The sum of all fears /2
The urbz sims in the city
This is football 2003
Tiger woods pga tour 2001
Tiger woods pga tour 2005
Time splitters /2
Tom clancy's ghost recon jungle storm
True crime streets of la /2
Who wants to be a millionaire? /2
World championship poker
Wrc rally evolved
Xtreme legends dynasty warriors 4
Odbiór osobisty:
Videoteka Tychy
ul. Jana Pawła II 20
Tychy pasaż Senator obok city pointa
czynne codziennie w godzinach: 12-21
Płyta główna Matsonic Ma9107CR + Pentium 4 Intel 1,8Ghz + 256MB DDR
Witam sprzedam płytę główna firmy Matsonic do komputera PC
Płyta model: MS9107CR
Płyta używana 100% sprawna testowana.
Płytę sprzedaje wraz z procesorem Intel Pentium 4 1,8Ghz (Socket 478) oraz pamięcią DDR 256MB i wiatrakiem do procesora.
Płyta obsługuje procesory 1.5GHz~3.0GHz oraz pamięci DDR do 3GB
Idealny zestaw do naprawy lub rozbudowy komputera, wystarczy jedynie wymienić swoją starą płytę na moją, podłączyć i mamy sprawny lub szybszy komputer.
Płyta posiada gniazdo AGPx4, 5xPCI, 3 gniazda DDR, 1xLPT, 1xGame, 2xRS232, 2xUSB z tyłu oraz możliwość podłączenia dodatkowych 2xUSB na płycie.
Płyta posiada też wbudowaną kartę dźwiękową.
Możliwy odbiór osobisty we Wrocławiu po wcześniejszym kontakcie telefonicznym i ustalenia dnia i godziny odbioru.
W razie pytań proszę dzwonić lub pisać GG, e-mail.
Możliwa sprzedaż wysyłkowa.
Specyfikacja płyty:
( więcej szczegółów na temat płyty można znaleźć w internecie)
VIA P4X266 Chipset Processor
Support Socket 478 for Intel(R) Pentium(R)4
1.5GHz~2.0GHz or faster Processor
400MHz system interface speed
VIA P4X266 chipset
Supports three 184-pin DDR DIMM maximumsize up to 3GB
Graphics Adapter Slot
Supports AGP 4x mode
Ultra DMA 66/100 IDE Ports
Supports two IDE ports up to 4 ATAPI
Supports up to PIO Mode 4 up to 16.6MBps,
Multi Mode 4 up to 100MBps with bus
One CNR slot for Soft modem riser only
Five 32-bit PCI slots with full mastersharing
controller (Rev 2.2 compliant)
One AGP4x slot
Award System BIOS, supports PnP, APM,
DMI,ACPI & Multi-device
booting features(floppy, LS120, CD-ROM,
BIOS Wonder technology including ChipAway
Virus, Flash BIOS Write Protect. and PC'98Spec
Built-in Sample Rate Converter to ensure all
internal operation at 48KHz
Full-duplex operation for simultaneous
recording and playback
Built-in FM-emulation music synthesizer
External high quality AC`97CODEC rovides
90dB+ SNR CD quality audio
Using wavetable data on the system memory
Hardware SoundBlaster Pro for Windows
DOS box and real-mode DOS legacy
PS/2 Mini-DIN keyboard and mouse ports
Two Channel USB ports
Two D-SUB 9-pin male serial ports
One D-SUB 25-pin female Printer port
One D-SUB 15-pin female Game/MIDI port
Audio Line-out, Line-in and Mic-in jacks
304mm x 190mm, 4 Layers
ATX form factor
GT08 Bluetooth Smart Watch SIM TF Card
sprzedam smartwatch na karte sim moze slozyc jako telefon.
dostałem jako prezent niepotrzebny mi taki gadżet.
CPU: 533MHz MTK6261
TF Card: Support max 32GB TF card
Display: 1.54" inch TFT HD LCD, Resolution ratio: 240*240 pixel
Bluetooth: Ver. 3.0
Camera: 0.3M
Battery: 350mAh
Acceleration sensor: Step gauge analysis, Sedentary remind, Sleep monitoring, Anti lost, Remote picture.
Touch screen: TFT capacitive touch screen
Main function:
1. Phone function: GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz, call record, phone book, Hands-free Bluetooth phone call
2. SMS Local SMS, Phone SMS Bluetooth Synchronization
3. Entertainment MP3, Bluetooth music playing
4. Phone calls reminding Ring and shake, Two-way anti lost Anti lost remind, Two way search
5. Pedometer, Step motion meter, Calories calculation, Sports mileage records, Sedentary remind, Sleep monitoring, Storage to the watch, Remote photos, Storage to the phone, Alarm clock, Calendar Calendar, SMS News, System Settings information, Time synchronization
GEO PC Komputer PC 160GB/1GB/CD/FDD P4R800-V Deluxe Intel Pentium 4 D
Komputer stacjonarny
stan: używany, sprawny, do sprzedania jest dokładnie to co na zdjęciach, starałem się opisać sprzęt najdokładniej jak to było z mojej strony możliwe aczkolwiek mogła zdarzyć się jakaś niewielka pomyłka. Komputer jest już nieużywany od jakiegoś czasu stąd podjęta decyzja o sprzedaży. Na dysku może być jeszcze zainstalowany system. Pewnie XP.
Wymiary obudowy: 48x42x19cm
W zestawie: obudowa, płyta gówna, dyski twarde, napęd optyczny, stacja dyskietek, pamięć ram, taśmy ATA, zasilacz
Wysyłam dobrze zabezpieczony za 15zł
obudowa midi tower ATX jasno szara
dysk twardy HDD Seagate 160GB=2x80GB Barracuda 7200.9 (7200RPM)
procesor CPU Intel Pentium 4
Ram 1GB (512MB PC3200 CL 2-5 DDR Dimm, Kingston HyperX 521MB KHX3200A/512, pozostały 2 wolne sloty=razem są 4 sloty)
napęd CD
FDD stacja dyskietek
3 wolne miejsca na inne napędy
zasilacz ATX Deer 350W model DR-B350ATX
Wejścia/wyjścia przód obudowy: 2x USB, mikrofonowe, słuchawkowe
Wejścia/wyjścia tył obudowy: 2xPS2 (mysz, klawiatura), 4xUSB, ethernet RJ-45, port równoległy LPT (do drukarki), D-SUB VGA, mikrofonowe, słuchawkowe, TV Out, com, port IEE1394, S/PDIF
płyta główna ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe EAY
SIS 180
ATI IXP 150 Southbridge
ATI Radeon 9100 Northbridge
Producent i Model ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe
Wymiary ATX (30.5 cm x 24.5 cm)
CPU Support Pentium 4, Prescott
CPU zegar 400, 533, 800 MHz
FSB zegar 400, 533, 800 MHz
Northbridge ATI Radeon 9100 IGP
Southbridge ATI IXP 150
prędkość 266 - 400 MHz
Moduły Dual-Channel
Sloty 4
Maximum RAM 4 GB
ECC/Registered Memory nie/nie
System Components
Piezo PC Speaker nie
AGP Card Lock tak
Northbridge Fan nie
Fan Headers CPU, System (2x)
I/O Components
1. Mass Storage Controller ATI IXP 150
Storage Ports 2x UltraATA/100
2. Mass Storage Controller SIS 180
Storage Ports 1x UltraATA/100/133
Storage Ports 2x S-ATA 150
RAID Support (S-ATA only) RAID Mode 0, 1, 0+1
Floppy Controller tak
Primary Network Controller Marvell 88E001 Gigabit
Parallel/Serial /2
USB Ports (integrated/additional) 4/2
FireWire VIA 6307
Game Port tak
Wireless LAN Optional via WiFi-Slot
Expansion Slots
PCI Slots 5x 32 Bit PCI 2.3
PCI-X/PCI Express nie/nie
AGP AGP 3.0 (8X)
ACR/AMR/CNR nie/nie/nie
WiFi 1x
Open case sensor nie
Temperature Monitoring CPU, System
Fan Monitoring CPU, Chassis
Smart/Manual Fan Control tak
Voltage Monitoring tak
Power-Up on... Schedule, Keyboard, LAN, Modem
Power-Up after Power Loss tak
Other POST Reporter, Instant Music, CrashFree Bios, Q-Fan,
On-Board Audio
Type AC97 2.2
Chip ADI AD1888 SoundMAX
Surround Support 6 Channel
Jackets Line-In, Line-Out, Mic, SPDIF-out
Connectors CD-In, AUX-In, SPDIF-in
CPU Procesor
Socket 478 for Intel Pentium 4/ Celeron
On-die 512KB/256KB L2 Cache with full speed
Intel Hyper-Threading Technology ready
New power design supports Intel next generation Prescott CPU!
4 x 184-pin DIMM Sockets wspiera max. 4GB PC2700/PC2100 non-ECC DDR SDRAM memory; (PC3200 do 2GB z 1 DIMM module each channel) Dual Channel Memory Architecture
Expansion Slots
1 x AGP8X/4X (1.5V only)
5 x PCI
1 x ASUS WIFI Connector for optional wireless LAN upgrade
Integrated ATI Radeon 9200-based 2D/3D graphics engine
Max. 128 MB of main memory configurable as display memory
3D texture Microsoft DirectX 8.1 and OpenGL Support
Integrated TV encoder
South Bridge:
2 x UltraDMA 100/66
SIS 180 RAID Controller:
1 x UltraDMA 133 supports two hard drives
2 x Serial ATA
RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 0+1
ADI AD1888 SoundMAX 6-channel CODEC
S/PDIF out interface
MARVELL Gigabit LAN PCI Controller supporting 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet
Special Features
Power Loss Restart
Support TV-out interface
Support S/PDIF out interface
ASUS MyLogo2
ASUS CrashFree BIOS 2
Multi-language BIOS (English, German, Japanese)
ASUS Instant Music
IEEE 1394
VIA 1394 controller with 2 1394 ports
Mickiewicza 18
60 834 Poznan
pon-pt 10-18
sob 11-15
tel 61 8481268
50 1020 5558 1111 1642 1730 0092
poczta ekonomiczna 14zl
poczta priorytet 16zl
poczta ekonomiczna pobranie 18zl
poczta priorytet pobranie 20zl
kurierska 22zl
kurierska pobraniowa 26zl
odbior osobisty 0zl
3 miesiace od momentu wysylki
Przedmiotem aukcji jest
licytujemy sama plyta bez akcesorii,opakowanie oem
stan idealny,jak nowa,wgrany najnowszy bios
3 miesiace gwarancji od momentu wysylki
paragon,fvat dla firm
P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 Fully PCI-Express 3.0 Ready, Intel Z68 motherboard. USB 3.0 Boost includes world's first UASP support.
- lDual Intelligent Processors 2 with DIGI+ VRM Digital Power Design lUEFI BIOS (EZ Mode) - Flexible & Easy BIOS Interface lLucidLogix® Virtu (Universal Switchable Graphics) - Auto Switching between Integrated Graphics and NVIDIA/AMD Cards lIntel® Smart Response Technology - SSD Speed with HDD Capacity lBT GO! (Bluetooth) - Diverse BT Enjoyment, New Technology Lifestyle lGPU Boost - Push the Limits with iGPU Level Up! lQuad USB 3.0/SATA 6Gb/s Support - Double Access, Double Convenience lQuad-GPU SLI and Quad-GPU CrossFireX Support!
- lOverview lSpecifications lDownload lMemory/Device Support lCPU Support List
Faster USB 3.0 Transmission with UASP
New ASUS USB 3.0 Boost technology supports UASP (USB Attached SCSI Protocol), the latest USB 3.0 standard. With USB 3.0 Boost technology, a USB device's transmission speed is significantly increased up to 170%, adding to an already impressive fast USB 3.0 transfer speed. ASUS software automatically accelerates data speeds for compatible USB 3.0 peripherals without the need for any user interaction.
- lWorld’s 1st USB 3.0 UASP Support – 170% faster instantly lComplete USB 3.0 Solution – Performance boost for most USB devices lSimple Plug & Boost – Auto detection design ensures best performance always
When transferring a 13.8 GB movie, USB 3.0 Boost from ASUS lands an overall better-performing PC. Check out these benchmarks for more info:
PCI Express® 3.0 (PCIe 3.0) is the latest PCI Express bus standard with improved encoding schemes that provide twice the performance of current PCIe 2.0. Total bandwidth for a x16 link reaches a maximum of 32GB/s, double the 16GB/s of PCIe 2.0 (in x16 mode). As such, PCIe 3.0 provides users unprecedented data speeds, combined with the convenience and seamless transition offered by complete backward compatibility with PCIe 1.0 and PCIe 2.0 devices. PCIe 3.0 will become a must-have feature for users who wish to improve and optimize graphic performance, as well as have the latest technology available to them.
* Actual PCIe 3.0 speed varies with the installed CPU type.
Flexible & Easy BIOS Interface
Exclusive to ASUS motherboards, its UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is the first ever mouse-controlled graphical BIOS interface designed with dual selectable modes. It delivers a user-friendly interface that goes beyond traditional keyboard-only BIOS controls to enable more flexible and convenient input with quick scrolling. Users can easily navigate the UEFI BIOS with the smoothness of their operating system. Quick and simple overclocking and setup sharing is facilitated by the F12 hotkey BIOS snapshot feature. The exclusive EZ Mode displays frequently-accessed setup info, while the Advanced Mode is for experienced performance enthusiasts that demand far more intricate system control, including detailed DRAM information.
Supports Hard Drives over 2.2TB
ASUS UEFI BIOS natively supports hard drives larger than 2.2TB in 64-bit, with full storage space utilization helping deliver far more exciting computing than traditional BIOS versions. Exclusive ASUS Interface
- lEZ Mode - gives easy access to selectable, optimized system modes, clear system info display and drag and drop boot prioritizing lAdvanced Mode - for experienced performance enthusiasts that demand intricate system settings
LucidLogix® Virtu
Universal Switchable Graphics Technology
LucidLogix® Virtu is designed for the Intel® Sandy Bridge platform's powerful integrated graphics. Its GPU virtualization dynamically assigns tasks to the best available graphics resources based on power, performance and system load on Windows® 7 based PCs. It allows users to fully utilize the unique capabilities of advanced Sandy Bridge multimedia features alongside the high end 3D rendering performance provided by installed graphics cards. When no discrete graphics are needed, the graphics card is put in idle mode to lower utilization, heat, fan speed and power draw down to near zero, making the system more environmentally-friendly. For users with diverse needs, LucidLogix® Virtu GPU virtualization provides great flexibility and efficiency.
Universal Switchable Graphics
LucidLogix® Virtu's GPU virtualization technology assigns tasks to the best available GPU, allowing dynamic graphics switching between integrated graphics and NVIDIA® or AMD graphics cards. 3X Faster Video Conversion
With switchable graphics, all ASUS P8Z68 Series motherboards leverage the transcoding power of Sandy Bridge, allowing users to enjoy three times faster video conversion with Intel® Quick Sync Video technology.
Intel® Smart Response Technology
SSD Speed with HDD Capacity
Intel® Smart Response Technology boosts overall system performance. It uses an installed fast SSD (min 18.6GB available capacity) as a cache for frequently accessed data. Harness the combination of SSD-like performance and response with hard drive capacity, that's 4X faster than a HDD-only system.
* Support Intel® Smart Response Technology on 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Dual Intelligent Processors 2 with DIGI+ VRM
Digital Power Design: The New Standard
The world’s first Dual Intelligent Processors from ASUS pioneered the use of two onboard chips - EPU (Energy Processing Unit) and TPU (TurboV Processing Unit). The new generation of Dual Intelligent Processors 2 with DIGI+ VRM provides precise Vcore PWM, integrated graphics voltages and frequency module adjustments with minimal power loss through BIOS tuning and an exclusive user interface to increase the board’s overclocking range while performance reaches its full potential. ASUS DIGI+ VRM digital power design empowers users with superior flexibility and perfect precision to ensure optimized performance, extreme system stability and greater power efficiency.
Herald the Arrival of a New Digital Power Design Era
VRM, or voltage regulator modules, are considered among the most essential motherboard design components. They supply the voltage demanded by the CPU, and a good VRM must intelligently detect actual CPU power draw to provide precise power accordingly. ASUS DIGI+ VRM is an innovative, industry-leading technology that fully integrates Intel® VRD12 specifications on a native level, greatly enhancing power to go far beyond the limits of analog designs.
Advantages of ASUS DIGI+ VRM Digital Power Design
Unlike previous VRD versions, Intel® VRD12 uses digital signals (SVID). To ensure perfect power delivery, ASUS specially designed DIGI+ VRM to sync completely with this new technology.
- lFaster sensing and response: ASUS DIGI+ VRM acts as a digital controller to perfectly match digital power signal (SVID) requests from the CPU, eliminating digital-to-analog conversion lag. lBetter cooling: exclusive dual driver and MOS design doubles the heat dissipation area with expanded cooling surfaces for improved thermal performance. Spacing components out over a wider area speeds up cooling to enhance reliability and stability. l2X CPU power supply: the same exclusive dual driver and MOS design also provides twice the CPU power supply with two complete power stages. This results in far greater phase load tolerances, so the CPU never has to wait for power to arrive, increasing performance and overclocking potential.
Active Cooling for Extreme Durability- Super Cool VRM
ASUS DIGI+ VRM delivers intelligent power management to balance loadings for each power phase by detecting VRM temperatures to ensure longer component lifespan and better cooling.
The Ultimate Turbo Processor
Unleash your performance with ASUS' simple onboard switch or AI Suite II utility. The TPU chip offers precise voltage control and advanced monitoring through Auto Tuning , GPU Boost and TurboV functions. Auto Tuning offers a user friendly way to automatically optimize the system for fast, yet stable clock speeds, while TurboV enables unlimited freedom to adjust CPU frequencies and ratios for optimized performance in diverse situations.
Energy Efficiency All Around
Tap into the world's first real-time PC power saving chip through a simple onboard switch or AI Suite II utility. Get total system-wide energy optimization by automatically detecting current PC loadings and intelligently moderating power consumption. This also reduces fan noise and extends component longevity!
Go to the Limit with iGPU Level Up!
GPU Boost accelerates the integrated GPU for extreme graphics performance. The user-friendly interface facilitates flexible frequency adjustments. It easily delivers stable system-level upgrades for every use.
Diverse BT Enjoyment, New Technology Lifestyle
Onboard Bluetooth wireless design enables smart connectivity to Bluetooth devices with no additional adapter. ASUS BT GO! comes with 7 special functions that offer a significant breakthrough in Bluetooth evolution, including Folder Sync, BT Transfer, BT Turbo Remote, BT-to-Net, Music Player, Shot and Send, and Personal Manager. All are accessible through the exclusive, user-friendly ASUS interface.
* The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by ASUSTeK Computer Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners
Double USB Access, Double Convenience
ASUS facilitates strategic USB 3.0 accessibility for both the front and rear panels - 4 USB 3.0 ports in total. Experience the latest plug & play connectivity at speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2.0. The P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 affords greater convenience with high speed connectivity.
Extra Ports, Extra Speed and Accessibility
The Intel® Z68 Express chipset natively supports the next-generation Serial ATA (SATA) interface, delivering up to 6Gb/s data transfers. ASUS provides extra SATA 6Gb/s ports with enhanced scalability, faster data retrieval and double the bandwidth of current bus systems.
DTS Surround Sensation UltraPC
DTS Surround Sensation UltraPC delivers exceptional 5.1 surround experience through the most common PC audio setups - your existing stereo speakers or headphones. In addition to virtual surround, “Bass enhancement” provides stronger low frequency bass sound, and “Voice clarification” provides clear human dialogue even with loud background sound. With these technologies, you may experience a better home-theater audio with ease.
P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 features Intel® Gigabit LAN which complies with 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) standard and reduces power consumption during normal operation and enhances faster transfer speed through dual interconnection between the Integrated LAN controller and Physical Layer (PHY).
CPU, Chipset and Graphics features LGA1155 socket for Intel® Second Generation Core™ i7/ Core™ i5/ Core™ i3/ Pentium® / Celeron® ProcessorsThis motherboard supports the latest Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Processors in the LGA1155 package, with memory and PCI Express controllers integrated to support 2-channel (4 DIMM) DDR3 memory and 16 PCI Express 2.0 lanes. This provides great graphics performance. Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® Processors are among the most powerful and energy efficient CPUs in the world.
Intel® Z68 Express ChipsetThe Intel® Z68 Express Chipset is a single-chipset design to support socket 1155 Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3 processors. It provides improved performance by utilizing serial point-to-point links, allowing increased bandwidth and stability. Additionally, Z68 chipset provides 2 SATA 6Gb/s and 4 SATA 3Gb/s ports for faster data retrieval at double the bandwidth of current bus systems. Moreover, Intel® Z68 Express Chipset also supports iGPU function, letting users enjoy the latest Intel integrated graphic performance.
RoHS GreenASUS and ErP ReadyThe motherboard is European Union´s Energy-related Products (ErP) ready, and ErP requires products to meet certain energy efficiency requirements in regards to energy consumptions. This is in line with ASUS vision of creating environment-friendly and energy-efficient products through product design and innovation to reduce carbon footprint of the product and thus mitigate environmental impacts.
P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 Product OverviewOther ASUS Features Auto Tuning
Achieve extreme yet stable overclocking results automatically
TurboVAdjust system performance parameters with just a few clicks away
AI Suite IIOne-stop access to innovative ASUS features
HDMIEnjoy full HD 1080p multimedia home-theater entertainment
Fan XpertBuilt-in variety of useful profiles offer flexible controls of fan speed to achieve a quiet and cool environment.
Fanless Heatsink DesignStylish heatsink features 0-dB thermal solution that offers a noiseless PC environment.
Q-DesignASUS Q-Design enhances your DIY experience!
MemOK!Any memory is A-OK!
Specifications CPU Intel® Socket 1155 for 2nd Generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® ProcessorsSupports Intel® 22 nm CPU
Supports Intel® 32 nm CPU
Supports Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2
* Refer to for CPU support list Chipset Intel® Z68 Memory 4 x DIMM, Max. 32GB, DDR3 2200(O.C.)/2133(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1600/1333/1066 MHz Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory
Dual Channel Memory Architecture
Supports Intel® Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)
* Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual CPUs.
* Refer to or user manual for the Memory QVL (Qualified Vendors Lists).
* Due to CPU behavior, DDR3 2200/2000/1800 MHz memory module will run at DDR3 2133/1866/1600 MHz frequency as default. Graphic Integrated Graphics Processor
Multi-VGA output support : HDMI/DVI/RGB ports
- Supports HDMI with max. resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz
- Supports DVI with max. resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz
- Supports RGB with max. resolution 2048 x 1536 @ 75 Hz
Maximum shared memory of 1748 MB Multi-GPU Support Supports NVIDIA® Quad-GPU SLI™ Technology
Supports AMD Quad-GPU CrossFireX™ Technology
Supports LucidLogix® Virtu™ Technology Expansion Slots 2 x PCIe 3.0/2.0 x16 (x16 or dual x8) *1
1 x PCIe 2.0 x16 (x4 mode, black) *2
2 x PCIe x1
2 x PCI Storage Intel® Z68 chipset :
2 x SATA 6Gb/s port(s), gray
4 x SATA 3Gb/s port(s), blue
Support Raid 0, 1, 5, 10
Support Intel® Smart Response Technology on 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor family
Marvell® PCIe SATA 6Gb/s controller : *3
2 x SATA 6Gb/s port(s), navy blue
JMicron® JMB362 controller : *3
1 x eSATA 3Gb/s port(s), red LAN Intel® 82579, 1 x Gigabit LAN Controller(s) Bluetooth Bluetooth V2.1+EDR
ASUS BT GO! Utility Audio Realtek® ALC892 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC
- Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking
Audio Feature :
- Absolute Pitch 192kHz/ 24-bit True BD Lossless Sound
- Blu-ray audio layer Content Protection
- DTS Surround Sensation UltraPC
- Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel IEEE 1394 VIA® 6308P controller
2 x IEEE 1394a port(s)
(2 at mid-board) USB Ports ASMedia® USB 3.0 controller :
4 x USB 3.0 port(s) (2 at back panel, blue, 2 at mid-board)
Intel® Z68 chipset :
12 x USB 2.0 port(s) (6 at back panel, black+red, 6 at mid-board) Overclocking Features Overclocking Protection :
- ASUS C.P.R.(CPU Parameter Recall) Special Features ASUS Dual Intelligent Processors 2 with DIGI+ VRM :
- Auto Tuning
- TurboV
- GPU Boost
- TPU switch
- EPU switch
ASUS Digital Power Design :
- Industry leading Digital 16 Phase Power Design
(12 -phase for CPU, 4 -phase for iGPU)
- ASUS DIGI+ VRM Utility
- Folder Sync
- BT Transfer
- Shot & Send
- BT to Net
- Music Player
- Personal Manager
ASUS BT Turbo Remote :
- Exclusive Smartphone Interface supporting iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, and Symbian systems
ASUS Exclusive Features :
- MemOK!
- AI Suite II
- Ai Charger+
- Anti-Surge
- ASUS UEFI BIOS EZ Mode featuring friendly graphics user interface
- USB 3.0 Boost
- Disk Unlocker
ASUS Quiet Thermal Solution :
- Stylish Fanless Design Heat-sink solution
- ASUS Fan Xpert
- ASUS Q-Shield
- ASUS O.C. Tuner
- ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3
- ASUS EZ Flash 2
ASUS Q-Design :
- ASUS Q-LED (CPU, DRAM, VGA, Boot Device LED)
- ASUS Q-Slot
- ASUS Q-Connector Back I/O Ports 1 x Bluetooth module(s)
1 x DVI
1 x D-Sub
1 x HDMI
1 x eSATA 3Gb/s
1 x LAN (RJ45) port(s)
2 x USB 3.0
6 x USB 2.0
1 x Optical S/PDIF out
6 x Audio jack(s) Internal I/O Ports 1 x USB 3.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.0 port(s) (19-pin, moss green)
3 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 6 USB 2.0 port(s)
4 x SATA 6Gb/s connector(s)
4 x SATA 3Gb/s connector(s)
2 x IEEE 1394a connector(s)
2 x CPU Fan connector(s) (4 -pin)
2 x Chassis Fan connector(s) (1 x 4 -pin, 1 x 3 -pin)
2 x Power Fan connector(s) (3 -pin)
1 x S/PDIF out header(s)
1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector(s)
1 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s)
1 x Front panel audio connector(s) (AAFP)
1 x System panel(s) (Q-Connector)
1 x MemOK! button(s)
1 x TPU switch(es)
1 x EPU switch(es) Accessories User's manual
ASUS Q-Shield
2 x SATA 3Gb/s cable(s)
2 x SATA 6Gb/s cable(s)
1 x SLI bridge(s)
1 x Q-connector(s) (2 in 1)
1 x ASUS USB 3.0 Bracket(s) BIOS 64 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS, PnP, DMI2.0, WfM2.0, SM BIOS 2.5, ACPI 2.0a, Multi-language BIOS,
ASUS EZ Flash 2, ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3, F12 PrintScreen Function Manageability WfM 2.0, DMI 2.0, WOL by PME, WOR by PME, PXE Support Disc Drivers
ASUS Utilities
ASUS Update
Anti-virus software (OEM version) Form Factor ATX Form Factor
12 inch x 9.6 inch ( 30.5 cm x 24.4 cm )
pedro62 (300) (Kupujący) Pozytywny śro 13 kwi 2011 17:15:38 CEST 1549525333
Wszystko ok, polecam dalej;) Brak komentarza pqpqpq (59) (Kupujący) Pozytywny śro 13 kwi 2011 16:53:19 CEST 1538200250
błyskawiczna dostawa. polecam! Brak komentarza Mr_Jump3r (24) (Kupujący) Pozytywny śro 13 kwi 2011 16:06:10 CEST 1540075693
Transakcja przebiegła bez problemów. Wszystko w porządku, błyskawiczna wysyłka, paczka doszła na drugi dzień. Towar dobrze zapakowany, sprawny. Polecam! Brak komentarza zbych_mil (42) (Kupujący) Pozytywny śro 13 kwi 2011 14:35:34 CEST 1519396497
Towar sprawny, dobrze zapakowany i zgodny z oczekiwanym. Dobry kontakt ze sprzedawcą. Szybka interwencja przy opóźnionej dostawie. Polecam wszystkim kupującym. Brak komentarza Pusin (465) (Kupujący) Pozytywny śro 13 kwi 2011 14:08:11 CEST 1517243856
Towar zgodny z opisem, super tranzakcja POLECAM
Extron SI 3CT LP
- l l l l
Extron SI 3CT LP
Full-Range Ceiling Speakers with 4" Low Profile Back Can and 70/100 V Transformer
The Extron SI 3CT LP is a full-range ceiling speaker featuring a 4" (10.2 cm) low profile metal back can for use in plenum ceilings. The low profile speaker is an excellent choice for ceiling installations with tight above-the-ceiling tile space issues, such as air handling units installed close to the ceiling. The 3" (7.6 cm) full-range driver features a wide frequency range of 75 Hz to 17 kHz, 16 watts continuous pink noise and 32 watts continuous program capacity, and an extremely wide conical dispersion of 170°. The SI 3CT LP is ideal for small to medium classrooms with lower ceilings and low to medium power requirements.
The SI 3CT LP features an exclusive conical baffle that provides a wider room coverage pattern, which is important for rooms with low ceilings. This design reduces beaming of mid and high frequencies directly under the speaker. Voice intelligibility is critical for classrooms, and the SI 3CT LP provides excellent voice clarity without compromising music reproduction.
The SI 3CT LP offers both direct 8 ohm or 70/100 volt operation with a behind-the-grille, six position power selector switch. In the 8 ohm direct position, this speaker is designed for use with our MPA 152 Plus Integrated Mini Power Amplifier in small to medium low ceiling classrooms requiring two to four wide dispersion speakers for maximum room coverage.
Many system designers desire 70/100 volt operation for multiple speakers and long speaker wire runs when the amplifier is remotely located. For small to medium classrooms, the SI 3CT LP is designed for use with the MPA 401 70/100 volt Integrated Mini Power Amplifier. For room balancing with 70/100 volt systems, the behind-the-grille power selector switch allows for 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 watt settings in 70 volt operation and 16, 8, 4, and 2 watt settings for 100 volt operation.
Four locking arms allow for a fast, secure hard ceiling installation. The SI 3CT LP includes mounting hardware to facilitate installation in a suspended T-bar ceiling. It features a white grille and bezel that can be painted to match the architectural elements of the environment.
Features- l 4" (10.2 cm) deep low profile metal back can for plenum environments l 3" (7.6 cm) full-range driver with a tuned port l 8 ohm direct or 70/100 volt operation on a 6 position, behind-the-grille selector —
- l 8 ohm direct l 70 volt: 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 watt selectable l 100 volt: 16, 8, 4, and 2 watt selectable
Przedmiotem aukcji sa plyty
sprzedajemy sama plyte jak na zdjeciu
miesiac gwarancji od momentu wysylki
paragon,fvat dla firm
- l l l l l l
Digital Power Design: The New Standard
The world’s first Dual Intelligent Processors from ASUS pioneered the use of two onboard chips - EPU (Energy Processing Unit) and TPU (TurboV Processing Unit). New generation Dual Intelligent Processors 2 with DIGI+ VRM digital power design launch control into a new era.
The digital architecture delivers twice the precision power, intelligently adjusting PWM voltage and frequency modulation with minimal power loss through BIOS tuning and an exclusive user interface to increase the board’s overclocking range while performance reaches its full potential. It also adjusts VRM frequencies dynamically, cutting radiation interference by half and decreasing Vcore power noise for CPU to enhance system stability through enabling VRM spread spectrum. ASUS DIGI+ VRM digital power design empowers users with superior flexibility and perfect precision to ensure optimized performance, extreme system stability and greater power efficiency.
Herald the Arrival of a New Digital Power Design Era
VRM, or voltage regulator modules, are considered among the most essential motherboard design components. They supply the voltage demanded by the CPU, and a good VRM must intelligently detect actual CPU power draw to provide precise power accordingly. ASUS DIGI+ VRM is an innovative, industry-leading technology that fully integrates Intel® VRD12 specifications on a native level, greatly enhancing power to go far beyond the limits of analog designs.
ASUS DIGI+ VRM design features a digital programmable microprocessor onboard and upgrades motherboard power delivery to a digital standard. The 12+2 digital architecture delivers twice the precision power, intelligently adjusting PWM voltage and frequency modulation with minimal power loss through BIOS tuning and exclusive user interface to increase over-clocking range while performance reaches its full potential. It also adjusts frequencies dynamically, cutting radiation interference by half to enhance system stability through enabling spread spectrum. The DIGI+ VRM digital power design empowers users with superior flexibility and perfect precision to ensure optimized performance. extreme system stability, and greater power efficiency.
Advantages of ASUS DIGI+ VRM Digital Power Design
Unlike previous VRD versions, Intel® VRD12 uses digital signals (SVID). To ensure perfect power delivery, ASUS specially designed DIGI+ VRM to sync completely with this new technology.
- lFaster sensing and response: ASUS DIGI+ VRM acts as a digital controller to perfectly match digital power signal (SVID) requests from the CPU, eliminating digital-to-analog conversion lag. lBetter cooling: exclusive dual driver and MOS design doubles the heat dissipation area with expanded cooling surfaces for improved thermal performance. Spacing components out over a wider area speeds up cooling to enhance reliability and stability. l2X CPU power supply: the same exclusive dual driver and MOS design also provides twice the CPU power supply with two complete power stages. This results in far greater phase load tolerances, so the CPU never has to wait for power to arrive, increasing performance and overclocking potential.
Active Cooling for Extreme Durability- Super Cool VRM
ASUS DIGI+ VRM delivers intelligent power management to balance loadings for each power phase by detecting VRM temperatures to ensure longer component lifespan and better cooling.
The Ultimate Turbo Processor
Unleash your performance with ASUS' simple onboard switch or AI Suite II utility. The TPU chip offers precise voltage control and advanced monitoring through Auto Tuning and TurboV functions. Auto Tuning offers a user friendly way to automatically optimize the system for fast, yet stable clock speeds, while TurboV enables unlimited freedom to adjust CPU frequencies and ratios for optimized performance in diverse situations.
Energy Efficiency All Around
Tap into the world's first real-time PC power saving chip through a simple onboard switch or AI Suite II utility. Get total system-wide energy optimization by automatically detecting current PC loadings and intelligently moderating power consumption. This also reduces fan noise and extends component longevity!
Diverse BT Enjoyment, New Technology Lifestyle
Onboard Bluetooth wireless design enables smart connectivity to Bluetooth devices with no additional adapter. ASUS BT GO! comes with 7 special functions that offer a significant breakthrough in Bluetooth evolution, including Folder Sync, BT Transfer, BT Turbo Remote, BT-to-Net, Music Player, Shot and Send, and Personal Manager. All are accessible through the exclusive, user-friendly ASUS interface.
* The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by ASUSTeK Computer Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners
Flexible & Easy BIOS Interface
The new ASUS EFI BIOS is an Extensible Firmware Interface that complies with uEFI architecture, offering a user-friendly interface that goes beyond traditional keyboard-only BIOS controls to enable more flexible and convenient mouse input. Users can easily navigate the new EFI BIOS with the same smoothness as their operating system. The exclusive EZ Mode displays frequently-accessed setup info, while the Advanced Mode is for experienced performance enthusiasts that demand far more intricate system settings.
Supports Hard Drives over 2.2TB
ASUS EFI BIOS natively supports hard drives larger than 2.2TB in 64-bit, with full storage space utilization, helping deliver far more exciting computing than traditional BIOS versions! Exclusive ASUS Interface
- lEZ Mode - easy to learn, use, and manage lAdvanced Mode - for experienced performance enthusiasts that demand intricate system settings
AI Suite II
One-stop Access to Innovative ASUS Features
With its user-friendly interface, ASUS AI Suite II consolidates all exclusive ASUS features into one simple-to-use package. It allows users to supervise overclocking, energy management, fan speed, voltage and sensor readings, even interact with mobile devices via Bluetooth. This all-in-one software offers diverse and easy to use functions, with no need to switch back and forth between different utilities.
Latest Transfer Technology Complete USB 3.0 Integration
Double USB Access, Double Convenience
ASUS facilitates strategic USB 3.0 accessibility for both the front and rear panels - 4 USB 3.0 ports in total. Experience the latest plug & play connectivity at speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2.0. The P8P67 affords greater convenience with high speed connectivity.
Extra Ports, Extra Speed and Accessibility
The Intel® P67 Express chipset natively supports the next-generation Serial ATA (SATA) interface, delivering up to 6Gb/s data transfers. ASUS provides extra SATA 6Gb/s ports with enhanced scalability, faster data retrieval and double the bandwidth of current bus systems.
DTS Surround Sensation UltraPC
DTS Surround Sensation UltraPC delivers exceptional 5.1 surround experience through the most common PC audio setups - your existing stereo speakers or headphones. In addition to virtual surround, “Bass enhancement” provides stronger low frequency bass sound, and “Voice clarification” provides clear human dialogue even with loud background sound. With these technologies, you may experience a better home-theater audio with ease.
DIY Quickly, DIY Easily!
ASUS Q-Design enhances your DIY experience. All of Q-LED, Q-Slot and Q-DIMM design speed up and simplify the DIY process!
This motherboard supports the latest Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3 processors in the LGA1155 package, with memory and PCI Express controllers integrated to support 2-channel (4 DIMM) DDR3 memory and 16 PCI Express 2.0 lanes. This provides great graphics performance. Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3 processors are among the most powerful and energy efficient CPUs in the world.
Intel® P67 Express ChipsetThe Intel® P67 Express Chipset is the latest single-chipset design to support new socket 1155 Intel® second generation Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3 processors. It provides improved performance by utilizing serial point-to-point links, allowing increased bandwidth and stability. Additionally, the P67 provides 2 SATA 6Gb/s and 4 SATA 3Gb/s ports for faster data retrieval at double the bandwidth of current bus systems.
Quad-GPU CrossFireX Support!Flexible Multi-GPU solutions, Your Weapon of Choice!
P8P67 brings multi-GPU configurations through CrossFireX. This motherboard features the powerful Intel® P67 platform, optimizing PCIe allocation in multiple GPU setups. Expect a brand new gaming sensation like you’ve never experienced before!
The motherboard is European Union´s Energy-related Products (ErP) ready, and ErP requires products to meet certain energy efficiency requirements in regards to energy consumptions. This is in line with ASUS vision of creating environment-friendly and energy-efficient products through product design and innovation to reduce carbon footprint of the product and thus mitigate environmental impacts.
P8P67 Product OverviewOther ASUS Features
HP TouchSmart IQ 512
Witam dziś do zaoferowania mam bardzo fajny komputer ALLInOne kommputer ma wbudowane 2 Giga ram Możnna spokojnie wstawić 4 Gb Sprzedaje bez dysku twardego
HP TouchSmart IQ512uk Desktop PC Product Specifications
Product number
Introduction date11-Sep-2008
Country/region sold in:- l
United Kingdom
HP TouchSmart IQ512uk Desktop PC
Hardware Display22" LCD panel display with touchscreen
- l
Resolution 1680 x 1050 @ 60Hz
Core 2 Duo-T7250 (M) 2.0 GHz (35W)
- l
800 MHz front side bus
lSocket P
Intel Mobile GM965 Express
Motherboard- l
Manufacturer: Pegatron IMISR-CF
lHP/Compaq motherboard name: Eve
- l
- l
500 GB SATA 3G (3.0 Gb/sec)
l7200 rpm
- lNOTE: Use Double-Layer media discs to take advantage of DL technology.
Bluetooth wireless USB module with 802.11 b/g/n PCI Express Wireless Mini Card
Video GraphicsGeForce 9300M GS
- l256 MB GDDR3 memory lI/O Ports: none on module, drives the integrated display on HP TouchSmart PCs
PCI Express mini-card TV tuner card
Sound/Audio- l
Integrated High Definition audio
- lAudio codec: ADI AD1984B lSupports up to 2 audio channels through an analog connection lSupports one S/PDIF digital connection
Integrated 10/100/1000
Memory card reader- lSupports the following cards:
- lxD media (xD) lSecure Digital (SD) lSecure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) lMultiMediaCard (MMC) lMemory Stick (MS) and Memory Stick Pro (MS-Pro)
I/O ports on the front panel
Port type Quantity 5-in-1 (1 slot) card reader + 1394 connector One USB Two Headphone One Line-in OneI/O ports on the back panel
Port type Quantity S/PDIF out One USB Three RJ45 10/100/1000 Mb/s LAN One 3.5mm analog audio port (supports 2 channels) One IR blaster for set-top box One Expansion slots Slot type Quantity PCI Express x16 One (None available) PCI Express x1 (mini) Two (None available) Keyboard and mouse- l
2.4 GHz wireless keyboard
l2.4 GHz wireless optical mouse
- l
Infrared remote control and receiver
- l4W internal speakers
- l
Web camera
Software NOTE: HP provides basic support for software that comes with the computer. For in-depth feature assistance, refer to the help section in the software or on the software vendor's Web site. Software titles that shipped with PC Software Category Software Title Operating System
- lWindows Vista Home Premium with Windows Media Center (64-bit) with Vista Service Pack 1
- lHP TouchSmart 2.3
- lWindows Movie Maker & Windows DVD Maker lCyberLink DVD Suite 5 lMediaSmart DVD Premium 1.0
- lMy HP Games
- lCyberLink YouCam lMuvee autoProducer
- lAdobe Reader lMicrosoft Works 9
- lNorton Internet Security 2008 (60-day security update subscription)
- lHP Total Care Advisor lHP Hardware Diagnostic Tools lHelp & Support Center lOnline documentation
- lHP Recovery Manager
- lMicrosoft Internet Explorer
kolumny celestion 1 hi-fi england vintage hi-end
mozliwa wysylka za 18pln po wplacie,cena oczywiscie za komplet 2 sztuk,sprzedam unikatowe kolumny hi-fi hi-end celestion 1 made in england,najprawdopodobniej z lat 80,sprawne,pieknie grajace,z zewnatrz slady wieku i przetarcia na maskownicach,na jednym z glosnikow wysokotonowym wgniecenie-nie przeszkadza w dzwieku,real foto,tel 793 320555 dane techniczne CELESTION 1 The new Celestion 1 is a masterpiece of loudspeaker engineering designed to enhance any of today's music systems, whether as an upgrade to a Midi system, or for use in a more audiophile set-up. This high quality speaker utilises Celestion's renowned 1" (25mm) titanium dome tweeter along with a special new 4" (105mm) felted fibre cone mid/bass unit to provide superb sound reproduction. Coupled with the compact sleekness of a simulated black ash veneer, l2mm high density particle board cabinet ported to provide a smooth extended bass, the Celestion 1 sits neatly on a shelf or on a stand near the rear wall. Celestion 1 Technical Specifications Frequency Response 78 Hz - 20 kHz (+-3dB) 68 Hz at (-6dB) Sensitivity 86dB SPL 1 Watt/1 m (free space conditions) Power Handling 50 Watts programme Amplifier Requirements 10 - 50 Watts (continuous sinewave output) Drive Units 1 x Celestion two-piece titanium dome tweeter 25mm (1") 1 x Celestion mid/bass unit felted fibre cone 105mm (4") Crossover 5 element, 6.4 kHz 2nd order low pass 6.4 kHz 2nd order high pass Cabinet 12 mm high density particle board. Vented box system turned at 65 Hz Internal Volume 6 litres Terminals Colour coded, spring loaded accepting bare cable connections Impedance 8 ohms Finish Simulated Black Ash veneer Height x Width x Depth 274 x 160 x 215 mm (10.8 x 6.3 x 8.5 inches)